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5 Behavior Management Systems That Work Best for ME!

1. Clip Chart System

For my clip chart, I have a system that my students know and follow consistently!

Every student starts in the middle of the clip chart. They have a chance to either move up, or down throughout the day. If they move their clip up once they receive a sticker. If they move up twice, we get to add a marble to our jar which you can find HERE! If they move 3 times, they get a small piece of candy. Finally, if they move their clip up 4 times (which means they have moved off the clip chart and on to the TEACHERS SHIRT!) and keep it there until the end of the day they get to pick out of the TREASURE BOX! Giving some type of reward for every clip up may seem excessive but it gives them an incentive to continue with great behavior. If they seeing other students getting rewards, they will want one too!

Now, moving clips down is a much more difficult process. If they move their clip down once, they receive a VERBAL WARNING. If they move down twice, the lose recess time. (I usually take 5-10 min). If they move down three times, they go to the COOL DOWN SPOT. You can find the FREE posters and supplies I use HERE. This is a place for the student to go and think about their actions and just take a break. This helps them cool down, and get their emotions together before returning back to learning. I also include fidget toys at the cool down spot. HERE are the ones I bought from Amazon. If they still can not get it together and they have to move their clip down a fourth time, we make a phone call home. They must speak with their parent or caregiver about their actions and choices.

2. Taking Breaks

Having certain students takes breaks throughout the day can sometimes be a necessity. There are some kiddos who struggle being in the classroom all day long, and just need a quick 5 minute break! Talk with a few teachers before the school year starts, and see if anyone would be willing to be a "BUDDY" room for your class. This means, that whenever you see a student who is getting restless, frustrated, or overwhelmed you can write them a pass and send them to the BUDDY room for 5-10 minutes to regroup. This has saved me so many melt downs and temper tantrums! I highly reccomend.

3. Hallway Treats

Walking quietly through the hallway can be one of the toughest tasks for a kindergartner to master! I have found that passing out little treats while you walk is a MIRACLE WORKER. You can pick the item you pass out. I usually use something small that comes in bulk. Such as M&M's, skittles, smarties, pretzels, popcorn, etc. You will be amazed how quiet a 5 year old will be for ONE tiny M&M!

4. Consistency

Most of the kiddos that I teach lack consistency in their lives outside of school. They do not know it but they actually strive and look for consistency. It is important to me, that every day look very SIMILAR. A few months into the school year the day should run like a well oiled machine. The students should know exactly what to do, and exactly what comes next. For example, my students could probably run reading rotations on their own without my help a few months into the school year. That is how consistent it is! When there is consistency and expectations are set, I have found that there a less behavior issues.

5. FREE Time

Free time is something I started a few years ago, and my students absolutely LOVE it! For the last 20 minutes of the day, I let my students choose an activity THEY would like. Some of their favorite options are; computers (educational games), play-doh, blocks, coloring, stuffed animals, etc. If they do not have a good day or their clip is on a certain color, they are not allowed to participate. The students who did not earn free time put their heads down at my kidney table for the FULL 20 minutes. There WILL be tears and they will NOT be happy. However, they will try harder the next day to make sure they do not lose it again! Behaviors always improve when they are something they are working toward!


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